Does the package work with monopartite networks?

No, it doesn’t. But you are looking for the NEMtropy package<https://github.com/nicoloval/NEMtropy>!, see meh.imtlucca.it .

Does the package work with weighted networks?


The computation of the BiCM takes too long. What can I do?

Try working with the functions that only use the degree sequence of your bipartite network, use a different solver, different initial conditions, or a lower tolerance. Make sure you don’t have isolated nodes or fully connected nodes in your network. If you have them, only initializing the object via a biadjacency matrix will discount this information.

The computation of the projection takes too long. What can I do?

If you’re using the Poisson-Binomial method (method=’poibin’) try a different Poisson-binomial approximation, like the Poisson one (method=’poisson’). However, this computation can be slow for big networks.