Source code for bicm.poibin

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Mar 29, 2016

    poibin - Poisson Binomial distribution

    Mika Straka, 2016

    Implementation of the Poisson Binomial distribution as described in the

    Implemented method:
        - pmf: probability mass function
        - cdf: cumulative density function
        - pval: p-value (1 - cdf)

    Be p a list / numpy array of success probabilities for n non-identically
    distributed Bernoulli random variables.
    Create an instance of the distribution with
    >>> pb = PoiBin(p)
    Be x a list or numpy array of different number of successes.
    To obtain:
    - probability mass function of x, use

    >>> pb.pmf(x)

    - cumulative density function of x, use

    >>> pb.cdf(x)

    - p-values of x, use

    >>> pb.pval(x)
    The functions are applied component-wise and a numpy array of the same
    lenth as x is returned.

    Yili Hong, On computing the distribution function for the Poisson binomial
    Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Volume 59, March 2013,
    Pages 41-51, ISSN 0167-9473,

import numpy as np
import math
from scipy.stats import binom

[docs] class PoiBin: def __init__(self, p): self.p = np.array(p) self.n = self.p.size self.check_input_prob() = 2 * np.pi / (self.n + 1) self.pmf_list = self.get_pmf_xi() self.cdf_list = self.get_cdf(self.pmf_list) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Methods for the Poisson Binomial Distribution # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def pmf(self, kk): """Calculate the probability mass function for the input values kk.""" self.check_rv_input(kk) return self.pmf_list[kk]
[docs] def cdf(self, kk): """Calculate the cumulative density function for the input values kk.""" self.check_rv_input(kk) return self.cdf_list[kk]
[docs] def pval(self, k): """Return the p-value corresponding to k, defined as 1 - cdf(k).""" if np.array_equal(self.p, self.p[0] * np.ones(self.p.shape)): # I all probabilities are equal, it returns the Binomial pvalue (as it should...) return binom.sf(k - 1, self.n, self.p[0]) elif k > 0: return 1. - self.cdf(k - 1) else: return 1.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Methods to obtain pmf and cdf # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_cdf(self, xx): """Return a list which contains all the values of the cumulative density function for i = 0, 1, ..., n. """ c = np.empty(self.n + 1) c[0] = xx[0] for i in range(1, self.n + 1): c[i] = c[i - 1] + xx[i] return c
[docs] def get_pmf_xi(self): """Return the values of xi, which are the components that make up the cumulative density function. """ chi = np.empty(self.n + 1, dtype=complex) half_n = int(math.ceil(self.n / 2)) # set first half of chis: for i in range(0, half_n + 1): chi[i] = self.get_chi(i) # set second half of chis: chi[half_n + 1:] = np.conjugate(chi[1:self.n - half_n + 1][:: - 1]) chi /= self.n + 1 xi = np.fft.fft(chi) if self.check_xi_are_real(xi): xi = xi.real else: raise TypeError("pmf / xi values have to be real.") return xi
[docs] def get_chi(self, idx): """Return the value of chi_idx.""" argz_sum = self.get_argz_sum(idx) d = self.get_d(idx) chi = d * (np.cos(argz_sum) + 1j * np.sin(argz_sum)) return chi
[docs] def get_argz_sum(self, idx): """Sum over all the principal values of z_j(l) for j = 1, ..., n, keeping idx fixed. """ y = self.p * np.sin( * idx) x = 1 - self.p + self.p * np.cos( * idx) argz = np.arctan2(y, x).sum() return argz
[docs] def get_d(self, idx): """Return coefficient d_idx of the chi value chi_idx = d_idx * (Real + j * Imag). """ dum = self.get_z(range(self.n), idx) exparg = np.log(np.abs(dum)).sum() return np.exp(exparg)
[docs] def get_z(self, j, idx): """Return z_j(l).""" z = 1 - self.p[j] + self.p[j] * np.cos( * idx) + \ 1j * self.p[j] * np.sin( * idx) return z
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Auxiliary functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def check_rv_input(self, kk): """Check whether input values kk for the random variable are >=0, integers and <= n. """ try: for k in kk: assert (type(k) == int) and (k >= 0), \ 'Input list must contain positive integers.' assert k <= self.n, \ 'Values in input list must be smaller or equal to the ' \ 'number of input probabilities "n"' except TypeError: assert (type(kk) == int) and (kk >= 0), \ 'Input must be a positive integer.' assert kk <= self.n, \ 'Input value cannot be greater than' + str(self.n) return True
[docs] @staticmethod def check_xi_are_real(xx): """Check whether all the xis have imaginary part equal to 0, i.e. whether probabilities pmf are positive. """ eps = 1e-3 # account for machine precision return np.all(xx.imag <= eps)
[docs] def check_input_prob(self): """Check that all the input probabilities are in the interval [0, 1].""" if self.p.shape != (self.n, ): raise ValueError("Input must be an one-dimensional array ora list.") if not np.all(self.p >= 0): raise ValueError("Input probabilites have to be non negative.") if not np.all(self.p <= 1): raise ValueError("Input probabilites have to be smaller than 1.")