Source code for bicm.solver_functions

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import scipy
from numba import jit
import time

[docs] def matrix_regulariser_function(b, eps): """Trasforms input matrix in a positive defined matrix by adding positive quantites to the main diagonal. :param b: Matrix. :type b: numpy.ndarray :param eps: Positive quantity to add. :type eps: float :return: Regularised matrix. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ b = (b + b.transpose()) * 0.5 # symmetrization bf = b + np.identity(b.shape[0]) * eps return bf
[docs] def matrix_regulariser_function_eigen_based(b, eps): """Trasform input matrix in a positive defined matrix by regularising eigenvalues. :param b: Matrix. :type b: numpy.ndarray :param eps: Positive quantity to add. :type eps: float :return: Regularised matrix. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ b = (b + b.transpose()) * 0.5 # symmetrization t, e = scipy.linalg.eigh(b) ll = np.array([0 if li > eps else eps - li for li in t]) bf = e @ (np.diag(ll) + np.diag(t)) @ e.transpose() return bf
@jit(nopython=True) def sufficient_decrease_condition( f_old, f_new, alpha, grad_f, p, c1=1e-04, c2=0.9 ): """Returns True if upper wolfe condition is respected. :param f_old: Function value at previous iteration. :type f_old: float :param f_new: Function value at current iteration. :type f_new: float :param alpha: Alpha parameter of linsearch. :type alpha: float :param grad_f: Function gradient. :type grad_f: numpy.ndarray :param p: Current iteration increment. :type p: numpy.ndarray :param c1: Tuning parameter, defaults to 1e-04. :type c1: float, optional :param c2: Tuning parameter, defaults to 0.9. :type c2: float, optional :return: Condition validity. :rtype: bool """ sup = f_old + c1 * alpha *, p.T) return bool(f_new < sup)
[docs] def solver( x0, fun, step_fun, linsearch_fun, hessian_regulariser, fun_jac=None, tol=1e-6, eps=1e-10, max_steps=100, method="newton", verbose=False, regularise=True, regularise_eps=1e-3, full_return=False, linsearch=True, ): """Find roots of eq. fun = 0, using newton, quasinewton or fixed-point algorithm. :param x0: Initial point :type x0: numpy.ndarray :param fun: Function handle of the function to find the roots of. :type fun: function :param step_fun: Function to compute the algorithm step :type step_fun: function :param linsearch_fun: Function to compute the linsearch :type linsearch_fun: function :param hessian_regulariser: Function to regularise fun hessian :type hessian_regulariser: function :param fun_jac: Function to compute the hessian of fun, defaults to None :type fun_jac: function, optional :param tol: The solver stops when \|fun|<tol, defaults to 1e-6 :type tol: float, optional :param eps: The solver stops when the difference between two consecutive steps is less than eps, defaults to 1e-10 :type eps: float, optional :param max_steps: Maximum number of steps the solver takes, defaults to 100 :type max_steps: int, optional :param method: Method the solver uses to solve the problem. Choices are "newton", "quasinewton", "fixed-point". Defaults to "newton" :type method: str, optional :param verbose: If True the solver prints out information at each step, defaults to False :type verbose: bool, optional :param regularise: If True the solver will regularise the hessian matrix, defaults to True :type regularise: bool, optional :param regularise_eps: Positive value to pass to the regulariser function, defaults to 1e-3 :type regularise_eps: float, optional :param full_return: If True the function returns information on the convergence, defaults to False :type full_return: bool, optional :param linsearch: If True a linsearch algorithm is implemented, defaults to True :type linsearch: bool, optional :return: Solution to the optimization problem :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ tic_all = time.time() toc_init = 0 tic = time.time() # algorithm beta = 0.5 # to compute alpha n_steps = 0 x = x0 # initial point f = fun(x) norm = np.linalg.norm(f) diff = 1 dx_old = np.zeros_like(x) if full_return: norm_seq = [norm] diff_seq = [diff] alfa_seq = [] if verbose: print("\nx0 = {}".format(x)) print("|f(x0)| = {}".format(norm)) toc_init = time.time() - tic toc_alfa = 0 toc_update = 0 toc_dx = 0 toc_jacfun = 0 tic_loop = time.time() while ( norm > tol and n_steps < max_steps and diff > eps ): # stopping condition x_old = x # save previous iteration # f jacobian tic = time.time() if method == "newton": # regularise H = fun_jac(x) # original jacobian # TODO: levare i verbose sugli eigenvalues if verbose: t, e = scipy.linalg.eigh(H) ml = np.min(t) Ml = np.max(t) if regularise: b_matrix = hessian_regulariser( H, np.max(np.abs(fun(x))) * regularise_eps, ) # TODO: levare i verbose sugli eigenvalues if verbose: t, e = scipy.linalg.eigh(b_matrix) new_ml = np.min(t) new_Ml = np.max(t) else: b_matrix = H.__array__() elif method == "quasinewton": # quasinewton hessian approximation b_matrix = fun_jac(x) # Jacobian diagonal if regularise: b_matrix = np.maximum(b_matrix, b_matrix * 0 + np.max(np.abs(fun(x))) * regularise_eps) toc_jacfun += time.time() - tic # discending direction computation tic = time.time() if method == "newton": dx = np.linalg.solve(b_matrix, -f) # dx = dx/np.linalg.norm(dx) elif method == "quasinewton": dx = -f / b_matrix elif method == "fixed-point": dx = f - x # TODO: hotfix to compute dx in infty cases for i in range(len(x)): if x[i] == np.infty: dx[i] = np.infty toc_dx += time.time() - tic # backtraking line search tic = time.time() # Linsearch if linsearch and (method in ["newton", "quasinewton"]): alfa1 = 1 X = (x, dx, beta, alfa1, f) alfa = linsearch_fun(X) if full_return: alfa_seq.append(alfa) elif linsearch and (method in ["fixed-point"]): alfa1 = 1 X = (x, dx, dx_old, alfa1, beta, n_steps) alfa = linsearch_fun(X) if full_return: alfa_seq.append(alfa) else: alfa = 1 toc_alfa += time.time() - tic tic = time.time() # solution update # direction= dx@fun(x).T x = x + alfa * dx dx_old = alfa * dx.copy() toc_update += time.time() - tic f = fun(x) # stopping condition computation norm = np.linalg.norm(f) diff_v = x - x_old # to avoid nans given by inf-inf diff_v[np.isnan(diff_v)] = -1 diff = np.linalg.norm(diff_v) if full_return: norm_seq.append(norm) diff_seq.append(diff) # step update n_steps += 1 if verbose: print("\nstep {}".format(n_steps)) # print("fun = {}".format(f)) # print("dx = {}".format(dx)) # print("x = {}".format(x)) print("alpha = {}".format(alfa)) print("|f(x)| = {}".format(norm)) if method in ["newton", "quasinewton"]: print("F(x) = {}".format(step_fun(x))) print("diff = {}".format(diff)) if method == "newton": print("min eig = {}".format(ml)) # print("new mim eig = {}".format(new_ml)) print("max eig = {}".format(Ml)) # print("new max eig = {}".format(new_Ml)) # print("condition number max_eig/min_eig = {}".format(Ml / ml)) # print( # "new condition number max_eig/min_eig = {}".format( # new_Ml / new_ml # ) # ) # print('\neig = {}'.format(t)) toc_loop = time.time() - tic_loop toc_all = time.time() - tic_all if verbose: print("Number of steps for convergence = {}".format(n_steps)) print("toc_init = {}".format(toc_init)) print("toc_jacfun = {}".format(toc_jacfun)) print("toc_alfa = {}".format(toc_alfa)) print("toc_dx = {}".format(toc_dx)) print("toc_update = {}".format(toc_update)) print("toc_loop = {}".format(toc_loop)) print("toc_all = {}".format(toc_all)) if full_return: return (x, toc_all, n_steps, np.array(norm_seq), np.array(diff_seq), np.array(alfa_seq)) else: return x